Friday, 22 July 2011

breaking dawn trailer

Finally, in the wedding more eagerly anticipated of the year is about to happen in Breaking Dawn the movie. Film version of the final book in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn, will be issued in two parts - the first, which is scheduled to present in November. Breaking Dawn is the most important part of most Twilight fans because of the long-awaited wedding of Bella and Edward.

As much as I would like to disclose important parts of this conspiracy, and I do not want to ruin the experience for those who have not read the book. Twilight Saga does not involve a lot of twists in the plot and any reference that would definitely make this last part only predictable, such as its predecessors. Let me just do spoil the trailer for you.

Needless to say, and targeted toward three teenage twilight, saying that the central point in this series is a love story between a vampire and death A (not the original if you ask Buffy and Angel fans). Despite the simplicity of this concept, and Stephanie Meyer's novel was born a new direction to the stories of the undead, vampires in particular.

While breaking the dawn part 1 is still months away, here are the official trailer for those who have not seen it yet. For fans of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, they may not get enough of this sneak peak on the grounds that the husband is just 2 fave films away from not seen together again.


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